Friday, April 13, 2007

Milk On Sale $1.50 Per Gallon!

I was watching Good Morning America yesterday and I nearly fell out of my chair. They were doing a segment on 'extreme campaigning' and showing John Edwards working in a nursing home, but that wasn't the point. It was mentioned that Rudy Giuliani thought the price of a gallon of milk was $1.50. See the full story here: Perhaps this is particularly annoying to me because I have to buy 7 gallons of milk a week to keep my kids and husband happy. If I am really lucky I can find the half gallons on sale for a dollar a piece, but for your information Mr. Giuliani, milk costs about $3.30 a gallon here in North Texas. If I were to find milk at $1.50 a gallon I think I would be trying to find a way to freeze milk! It is appalling to me that someone who is running for president is that out of touch with the American people. This guy apparently isn't concerned with the same things I am. Giuliani says, ”I will tell you what I believe. If you agree with it, fine. If you don’t agree with it, you have a right not to agree with it. If you don’t agree, you have a right not to vote for me,” I may take him up on that right!
I am really questioning lately who I am politically. I used to be Republican without a doubt. I fear that my father wouldn't have thrown me to the wolves if I were anything different. Not that he brainwashed me they were my own beliefs. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS I have been thinking about which politician will affect my family the most positively. Truly what will make the most difference in our lives is stem cell research. It is important to have a president who will support this research both financially and morally. Most (I say most to cover my ass, because I am sure there is a politician out there that can prove me wrong) Republicans vote the party line on things like stem cells and just don't use their brains. My other concern is health care. There is no possible way that Travis and I will be able to afford health insurance for me when we retire given the current situation. This is really scary. My medication alone is around $1000 per month without insurance. Ouch! Would my kids rather pay more in taxes or have a mother in a wheel chair that can't play with them. I hope I know what they would choose! So, I guess I am a fiscally conservative there such a thing?

While I am being political, check this out South Carolina is trying to pass a bill to require women to view an ultrasound before they can have an abortion. I am all about ways to prevent abortion (but if people have them, let's use the stem cells!), but I fear this may not be successful. I had ultrasounds early in my pregnancies because I was high risk and I am sorry to say the baby just looks like a dot. Do these silly senators really think that seeing a dot is going to change the mind of woman who has already put a lot of thought into a major decision?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.