Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Am Beat!

My back and my hips are killing me, but I have 17 meals in my freezer after cooking for a couple of hours last night and four hours this morning. We had a speaker at MOPS a month or so ago about meal planning. She was a huge advocate of freezing meals. She gave a couple ideas about meal co-ops and getting together with friends to cook several meals at a time. This motivated me to purchase a second refrigerator and a Trim and Terrific Freezer Friendly Cookbook. I made a few soups with Jack last night, and then Elise's mom and Ann's mom came over this morning with their kids to make meals. We made two chicken recipes, three pork recipes and two ground sirloin recipes. All seven preschoolers played well with little to no attention and Elsie's baby sister slept almost the whole time. It was good to get together with the girls and things really seemed to be back to normal with Ann's mom. I think she feels better getting her feelings off her chest and I know Elsie's mom and I feel better having everything out in the open! The only problem with leaving that many kids to play without any intervention is the aftermath. I spent a couple hours picking up toys in every room of my house. It is a great feeling knowing that I have the maids hired and they start on Tuesday. My stovetop is a disaster and I don't have to bother with cleaning it, I just have to pick up.

Travis left for NYC yesterday morning. He is at the auto show today with a good friend of ours from college. I am sure he is having a great time while I am here changing poopy diapers and listening to crying babies. When Travis called this morning he said New York was going to get hit by another snowstorm tomorrow, I hope he makes it home on schedule! My girls’ weekend in Santa Fe is in two weeks and paybacks are hell!

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