Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fool

The joke is on me. I thought the day was going pretty smoothly. So smoothly in fact that I actually took a nap while the kids were napping this afternoon. It wasn't until the babies woke up that things started to go bad. I went to their room to find that Lauren had chosen to remove her diaper, AGAIN. This time she removed it so she could pee all over her bed. So much that it actually dripped out of the bed onto the floor. I guess the guy who invented the waterproof mattress pads didn't think that would happen! If that was it life wouldn't have been so bad, but Ben was covered in diarrhea. Yuck...double yuck! I took the babies to the tub and as I was attempting to get them in without getting piss and shit everywhere the shower curtain falls on my head. I was less than pleased!

After getting the kids all cleaned up Travis suggested that we go out to dinner, he probably just didn't want me to touch what he was going to be eating! I took him up on his offer and we headed downtown to a little Mexican place. While Travis, Jack and I ate chips and salsa, Ben and Lauren ate Cheerios. Ben found this a little unfair and was really fussing. I thought I would make him realize that he didn't want what we were having by dipping his Cheerio into the salsa. He loved it! From that point forward I had to dip every Cheerio into the salsa for him. I really should have learned my lesson on this by now. A week or so ago he really wanted my red wine, so I gave him a taste. He liked that so much that he had a red smile on his cheeks by the time we left my friend's house. I finally have a kid like me...Ben has brown hair and eyes and likes salsa, wine and swimming (aka taking baths)!

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