Saturday, October 20, 2007

Where's The Fish?

Once upon a time we had four fish, three of those fish lived about five minutes, then we had one fish, that fish lived about 10 minutes longer, then he joined his buddies in fishy heaven. This sounds like a fine story until you hear of my parenting blunder. You see fishy number four; I think his name was Scotter (Why? Because Jack names everything Scotter, why? I don't know!), died on October 1st while Jack was taking a nap. I assumed Jack would mention something when he got up and we would have a little talk about his fishy in heaven. But, in addition to flushing the fish, I was also putting the Halloween decorations out during his nap. Jack was so excited about the Halloween decorations, he didn't notice that the fish was gone. A good mom would have taken him aside, pointed out the missing fish and talked to him about the fish amongst all of the excitement. I however thought shwoo, I guess I dodged that bullet! Fast forward to yesterday.

Me: Jack, what do you want for lunch?
Jack: (running into the kitchen where the fish lived his final days) Where's the fish?
Me: You want fish sticks?
Jack: No silly!
Me: Goldfish crackers?
Jack: (annoyed) No, where is my fish that used to swim in the bowl that sat right up there?
Me: Oh, that fish.
Jack: Well, where did you put him?
Me: He died sweetie, so now he is in fishy heaven with his friends.
Jack: (very serious) When did he pass away?
Me: (stunned that he said 'pass away') A couple weeks ago.
Jack: Why didn't you tell me?
Me: Ummm...I forgot?
Jack: How can you forget something like that?
Me: I don't know, I am sorry.
Jack: I am a big boy now; you need to tell me these things!
Me: I know you are, I am sorry.
Jack: Shhhh...let's not talk about it anymore, it would make the babies sad.

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