Saturday, October 20, 2007

Do You Want To Change Your Mind?

Several of my family members read my blog. Why do they never comment? I guess it is because they don't know how. Anyway, they send me comments via email. I have gotten a couple of comments about liking photo D, but liking the background on C better. I agree, I don't really care for the background on photo D, but I wasn't going to mess with it unless it was the picture for class. So, here is photo D with an idea of what it would look like if I spent some time on it. Does anyone want to change their vote?


Jim and Jami said...

Love the photograph. I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

Lisa said...

I still like the original one I voted for - although that's my second fav!!!

Crystal D said...

I still like C but if you had D with the grass background I would vote for that.