Friday, October 5, 2007

Who Are You?

Last night was Open House at Jack's preschool. These things are always pretty lame, but Jack was excited to show us his if I don't see it everyday when I pick him up from school! Jack's teachers made the parents pick out your child's family portrait, self-portrait and "All About Me" information sheet from the rest of the class. The family portrait was easy, all of the families have two children except ours and one other that has 4 kids. The self-portrait was a little more difficult since it seems like all of the little boys have blond hair and blue eyes, but we got that eventually. The information sheet left me thinking, "who is this kid", the only way I was able to pick it out is by the question on how many brothers and sisters. He said his favorite color is red. I thought it was still orange, but maybe things have changed. He said his favorite food is chicken. Hmmm, if your favorite food is chicken why do you cry every time I serve it? The only thing I can figure is that he froze up and all he could think of was chicken since that is what we eat most of the time. Jack stating that his favorite toy is a dollhouse particularly bothered Travis. He doesn't even have a dollhouse, his sister does! Travis is convinced that Jack was trying to pimp his teachers around!

After we finished our little guessing game then we went looking for Parker so Jack could introduce us. I have been hearing about Parker for a couple of weeks now. They play together on the playground, etc. I don't know why, but I was a little happy that Jack was finally friends with another boy. His best friends have always been girls, except for Derek who is really my friend's kid. Imagine my surprise when I met a pretty little blond headed girl named Parker!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Jack, the ladies man! That's too funny!!!