Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is It Bed Time Yet?

Yesterday morning I took the kids to the farmers market with our neighbors. Since we have gotten home I have been keeping myself busy with various projects around the house. I have done the dishes from Friday night, organized the Tupperware cabinet, implemented a new spice cabinet, cleaned out the pantry, cleaned out both refrigerators, organized the laundry room and did all of the laundry (I even put it away). Not to mention the countless diarrhea diapers I have changed for Ben and Lauren. I have now hit a brick wall, the kids are bored and miss daddy and so do I. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse Travis called me to tell me that his car isn't working right. The bottom line; this driving school weekend is going to cost more than we had initially budgeted and Travis won't be coming come tonight. Awesome. What time do you think the kids would get up tomorrow if I put them to bed now and poured myself a glass of wine?


Michelle said...

Maybe you should give the kids the wine...jk! You can make it through. Take some deep breaths and repeat after me..."I love my children, I love my children, I love my children."

Lisa said...

Hopefully Travis is back home & you have a girls night planned SOON! I am amazed at all you accomplished with three kids & no help. Wow!