Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rent-A-Cop and the Rule Nazi

I have a Halloween party next weekend and I need to dress up so after checking the ads the kids and I headed to Target because the costumes were 30% off. I have never been so disappointed at Target. It was so busy they didn't have any of the big carts with two seats in it so I was forced to take a normal cart and put Lauren in the basket. The costumes were so picked over I was left choosing between Daphne and a French maid. I didn't get a costume, but I did decide to pick up some groceries while we were there. We needed quite a few things so by the end of our trip Lauren was standing in the corner to make room for all of the groceries. The rent-a-cop came up to me and asked me to have Lauren sit down because they have had kids fall out of the cart before. I didn't bother to mention that this has happened to my children before. There wasn't room for Lauren to sit down so I just ignored his request and went on with my shopping. Jack however was very bothered by the fact that Lauren wasn't listening to the police officer. He was certain that we were going to be arrested and thrown in jail. Jack wouldn't listen to me when I told him that the man in uniform wasn't a real police officer and he didn't have the authority to put us in jail. So, I ended up having to comply with the rent-a-cop and the 4-year-old rule Nazi and made Lauren walk. That dude was just lucky that I didn't flip out and tell him that they were out of carts and they didn't even have what I came for!

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