Thursday, October 18, 2007

Toddler PMS

Is it possible for a 2-year-old to have PMS? This poor little girl just cannot control her emotions; she unapologetically wears her heart on her sleeve. This morning was going well. The kids helped me make pancakes for breakfast and we took the morning slow. Ben and Lauren were still in their pajamas when we dropped Jack off at school (thank goodness for the carpool drop off lane!). When we got home, Ben, Lauren and I played for an hour or so before I got them dressed. Lauren got to choose what she was going to wear. Jeans or dress? Dress. Pink or green? Pink. Things were going smooth as silk. Then she realized there were no bloomers to go with her new pink dress. She cried and cried and cried some more. She was inconsolable over the flipping bloomers! She was trying to pull her dress off and even brought me another outfit to put on her. I finally got her calmed down when she hit me with her next demand. She wanted a cracker on her frisbee. I explained that we were going to eat lunch so there would be no cracker. Guess what? She cried and cried and cried some more. I sometimes wonder if she actually forgets what has upset her when she is 10 minutes into her melt down. When she finally settled down she told me that she needed a nap. I couldn't have agreed more! My boys never did this. My mom says I didn't do this when I was little. Is it hormones or a high-strung personality?


Lisa said...

You are describing Goosey as a two-year-old to a tee. I was pregnant with Lulu when she was Lauren's afe and wondering how I was going to survive yet another little girl. As of yet, Lulu doesn't seem to have the same flare for drama. I think that only/oldest girls seem to have more of these tendancies. I feel your pain though!!!

Crystal D said...

My two year old does this on a daily basis. The slightest things will send her into a tail spin. We have implemented a "whining chair," it is not time out because she can come and go as she pleases as long as the whining has stopped. She is 2 years and 7 months old, so it might not work with a young 2 year old. It does not stop all the whining, but it does help get it a little farther away from me and gives her a little time to cool off.

Michelle said...

My youngest is my drama queen. And I am sorry to say it continues today and she is eight. She does not have the tantrums she had as a toddler but she gets an idea in her head and she is very stubborn about it.