Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mothers Unite!

In the latest issue of our town magazine there is an article about babysitting. It mentions this website which give you an approximate rate per hour base on zip code, age, number of children and number of years experience. Among my friends I pay on the top end, at least $10/hour. We always round up; if it has been 3 hours and 40 minutes we just pay $40. Except for last time we had a sitter, without thinking Travis gave her 4 twenties rather than 4 tens...yikes, that was an expensive night! I actually have one friend who won't give me the names of her sitters because she thinks we pay too much and doesn't want the competition. Based on this website, I should be paying my sitter $12.25/hour. Ouch! I remember when I used to baby-sit for $2/hour. I don't think wages have gone up by 6 times in the last 15 years, have they? I know that makes me sound ancient! I think we, as parents need to ban together and stop this price gouging. If we all stop paying these exorbitant rates they won’t be able to demand such high rates. I am so tired of mothers always trying to out do each other! Mothers unite! I just hope my sitter doesn't read this article…

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am a cheapskate! No 13-year-old should get $12 an hour! My teenager makes $7.50 an hour at her real job. If my teenager babysits the siblings I pay her about $7 an hour for the time they are awake. If we need a regular sitter, I only pay about $5 an hour. Sometimes we will leave them with friends, knowing then that we will take their kids at some point.