Thursday, October 25, 2007

Show & Tell

Me: Jack what would you like to take to school for show and tell?
Jack: I need to look in my room will you help me?
Me: Sure
Jack: Mom, what is really special to me?
Me: I don't know, you tell me
Jack: How about my castle?
Me: I don't think that will fit in your backpack.
Jack: Well, I don't think my friends will be very impressed with my soccer trophy since I already took it
Me: I think you are right

Finding items for show and tell is only going to get harder as the weeks go on. Those poor teachers have got to be bored to tears as 12 4-year-olds tell the class about the little trinket they dug up right before school!


Lisa said...

Goosey's preschool does sharing once a month & the kids have to bring something that is the color they're working with....yesterday was orange day, etc. It works well & helps to shake up what the kiddos bring. I too feel for the teacher - I remember teaching kindergarten when they all bring the same thing over and over - augh!

Michelle said...

My kids had to bring something every week of kindergarten that started with the letter of the week. Here are some of the things my kids wanted to bring:
B-Baby sister
I-ice cream
Q-not sure we ever found something
X-X-ray machine
The best was when we forgot until the morning of and we torn the house apart finding something to bring. And no one ever agreed the bring the first thing they thought of, they wanted something unique and fun. Yes, I greatly dislike show and tell!

Lisa said...

Funny, Sexy Housewife! When I taught kindergarten I had the kids bring something that began with the letter we were learning about. I had a mom want to bring their iguana in for the letter "e". Talk about uncomfortable!!! I then taught the kids a song about an iguana that started with "I" and asked this child to make sure to sing it when they went home :)