Monday, May 21, 2007

Good Lord That's A Lot Of Money!

When I was 16 I could cough up a five spot and have enough gas to drive around town in my oxidized red 1980 (For those of you who are math challenged, I was 16 in 1991!) Dodge Omni for a couple more days. And if all else failed I could attempt to use the hole rusted in the floor to stick my feet out like Fred Flintstone. I have to feel sorry for the teenagers of today who can only drive a couple more miles after putting in 5 bucks! Not to mention that all of the spoiled brats down here drive new SUVs. Of course, I used to make $2 an hour when I would baby-sit; only 15 years later we are paying $10 per hour. Boy I feel old. I am feeling like I need to tell a story about walking to school up hill both ways through snow without any shoes!

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