Friday, June 15, 2007


We are leaving for Nebraska in an hour or so. Yesterday the kids were 'helping' me pack. I was putting things in and they were taking them out. It will be a miracle if everything we need actually gets there. The kids are so excited. Jack has told the babies all about the magical land of Grammy's lake house. When they saw the life jackets everyone wanted to have them on. In attempts to pacify everyone so I could pack in peace I buckled everyone into their life jackets. About that time the doorbell rang, we got some weird looks to say the least. Is it wrong that I haven't bothered to tell them that we are stopping at Uncle Jeff's in Kansas City tonight, then will spend the weekend with Travis' family before we actually go to the lake house?

1 comment:

Kerri said...

It is not bad a all to keep it from them, however they might be in their life jackets for the next 3 days.

I found your post and thought I’d reach out to say hello and ask if you’d like to receive a free Maya & Miguel DVD. If you’d like to receive the DVD just email me at Kerri at with your address and I’ll have it shipped it out to you.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Maya & Miguel, a show on PBS in the afternoons -- -- that emphasizes cultural diversity and language learning but I’m reaching out to talk to parents about the program as part of a marketing project I’m working on with Scholastic.

If you do choose to blog about Maya & Miguel show or episodes on the DVD, please make it clear how you received the information. Our goal is to be open and honest with everyone we reach.

Kerri Roberts, BoldMouth