Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Playgroup Break-Up

I think that Jack's first Texas playgroup is about to break up. It started with Ann and Jack. We eventually included Elsie. For about a year we were a happy threesome. The kids would have their occasional fights, but as a general rule they got along great! To make a long story short Elsie's family and ours hit it off so we frequently get together outside of playgroup. We weren't really sure how to tell Ann's mom about our new friendship because we didn't want her to feel left out. Anyway, she eventually put all of the pieces together and called us out. I faced the problem head on and told her I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, I value her friendship, so on and so forth. Everything was okay for about a minute, and then Ann's mom started acting weird. It is uncomfortable to be around her. She purposely scheduled swimming lessons for Ann during our playgroup and suggested we do it later. I said I really couldn't do that because Ben and Lauren still need naps at which point it was dropped. Ann's mom said she was going to have to take a couple weeks off, but will be back after swimming lessons. Yesterday I was walking with Elsie's mom and she mentioned that she was getting together with Ann's mom that afternoon. I must say I felt a little sad for Jack...and for me for not being invited. Not being one to keep things to myself I said something about being left out of our playgroup. At which point Elsie's mom promptly invited me. The playdate was horribly uncomfortable. Ann's mom didn't want me there. I am not sure what I did. I don't know why she doesn't like me anymore. I don't know why I care so much. When I was having ridiculous friend problems in junior high I thought that I wouldn't have to deal with this immaturity when I got older. I was wrong. I guess this is going to be Jack's first official break up. I bet he won't even notice, but I am a little sad.


Misty said...

seriously, why as adults does it still have to be so caty among women? do you ever feel like we are adults, forever stuck in middle school? i know i do!

Anne said...

oh crap, Hon. Please. I know how you feel because I don't know why certain people in MOPS don't like me because heck, I am fucking awesome. Who knows what is going on with her? I'm about ready to put a stop to the playgroup phenom completely, and just get together with real friends. Like you. I don't have time for the bitchiness and no interest in shallow relationships anymore.