Sunday, June 10, 2007

Shaggy Balls

If you watch any cartoons you have seen the advertisement for Better Batter Baseball about a thousand times. Jack has been begging for this contraption for months. When we were at Target I noticed that it was on sale so I picked it up as a good behavior reward. Jack was really good to his brother and sister this afternoon and ate all of his dinner so we got it out. It was fun to watch Travis teach Jack something that he enjoys. Jack has pretty good hand eye coordination and did a really good job with batting. As Jack was hitting balls, we were teaching him baseball terms. When you get your feet in the right spot it is called 'squaring up', 'hitting the ball out of the park' means you hit a home run and when Lauren ran after the ball he hit it is called 'shagging balls'. I nearly wet my pants when Jack said, "come on Lauren, bring me back some of those shaggy balls!"

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