Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Jack failed his hearing test again. So, he will have surgery next month to get tubes in his ears and have his anodes removed. The doctor described the surgery to me and explained that Jack would have to be put under, but after all of this he will be able to hear great! After telling me all of this, she looked at me sympathetically and said:
Dr: I know this is a big decision, go home and talk to your husband about it and let me know what you want to do.
Me: What do you mean? You think this is what we should do, right?
Dr: Absolutely
Me: Then what is there to discuss?
Dr: Whether to proceed with the surgery
Me: But the surgery will make him hear better, right?
Dr: Yes
Me: If you say this is what we should do and this is what will help him I don't need to discuss it with my husband, he isn't a doctor!

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