Friday, July 13, 2007

Sink Or Swim

I want my kids to do whatever they want. However, I want them to want to be swimmers! My dad was on swim team, I was on swim team and I was hoping to raise a long line of swimmers. When I was on the varsity swim team in high school my mom would sit on the uncomfortable bleachers for the whole meet and my dad would leave the office just in time to make it to my event. My parents never missed a swim meet! I always thought that I would be doing the same for my kids someday. At the rate we are going it doesn't look like I am going to get my dream.

I put Jack in swimming lessons last summer and he cried everyday. I wasn't thrilled with the instruction he was getting and decided paying for lessons was ridiculous. After all, I taught swimming lessons for 10 plus years and was a lifeguard for 5. This summer I am doing lessons for Jack and his friend Elsie. Elsie trusts me and is really trying. Jack acts like I am going to let him drown, he clings to me like a madman! I keep comparing him in my mind to a little girl I taught private lessons to when I was in high school. She was 4 years old and I taught her to dive, swim 25 yards and go off the high board! My kid on the other hand only wants to get in waist deep! But, I guess that should be considered good compared to Ben and Lauren. If I can get them off my lap, Lauren likes to sit on the side of the pool and pour water from one cup to the other while Ben prefers about an inch of water.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We are in the exact same place!!! I LOVE the water & had a pool in my back yard growing up, however Julia thinks the world might end if her face gets wet. We're now doing private lessons, and yesterday after MUCH bribary she jumped into the teacher's arms (if you can call it that) but it's all had to be her idea. I feel your pain - why can't they just get that swimming is wonderful?!?!