Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Remember The Alamo

Last weekend Travis and I took the kids to San Antonio with two other families, some of our best buddies. We took all 8 kids to the Alamo and the riverwalk on Friday. I had never seen the Alamo, so I figured I should be a responsible Texan and at least stop by. Travis and I were definitely disadvantaged not growing up in Texas and receiving the required Texas history class, we both agreed that we weren't there long enough to figure out what all the hype is about. We then went to the riverwalk and had a mediocre Mexican dinner. I don't know if I didn't enjoy it because I was dining with 8 kids under the age of 6 or if it was the food. Saturday we took everyone to Sea World. Jack, Ben and Lauren all had a great time! During the Shamu show Ben and Lauren sat on my lap so they wouldn't miss a second. They loved clapping and making the hand motions to make the killer whales splash! By Saturday night we had learned our lesson, when we were greeted by a 1-hour wait at the restaurant we decided to get take out. The food was great, I don't know if it was because Ben and Lauren were already in bed and the rest of the kids were able to run amuck in piece or if the food was actually good. We got all the kids to sleep then had some quality adult time with cheap margaritas made in the hotel coffee pot and played pitch. Yesterday Jack asked me when we are going back to San Antonio with his friends, I guess it was a hit with him, which makes it all worthwhile for me!

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