Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mr. Personality

Jack had tubes put in his ears and his adnodes removed this morning. Jack was very excited about his new experience and the prospect of eating ice cream all day. He loved all of the attention he was getting from the doctors and nurses. He was all smiles as we went through his medical history with the staff. He loved showing everyone his puppy and truck slippers. The staff just loved him because he was being so brave!

The anesthesiologist told me over the phone that he had years of experience with children. Imagine my surprise when Doogie Houser walked in. I am getting old, the realization that a doctor my age could have "years" of experience was painful! He was great with kids and explained the procedure to Jack.
Doctor: Do you know how to play astronaut?
Jack: No.
Doctor: We put a cool mask over your nose and mouth and you breath really deeply like Darth Vader. Do you want to go back to another room and play that with me in a little bit?
Jack: Sure!
Doctor: Do you like my hat? (Referring to the required surgery hair net)
Jack: Yes.
Doctor: Do you want one?
Jack: No, thank you.
At this point the poor, young, unmarried doctor looked befuddled. I don't think he has ever been turned down on his hat offer. Travis and I talked Jack into the hat by explaining that it was part of the surgery uniform.

Travis and I sat in the waiting room while the ENT did her work. I was so proud of my mothering senses. When we get together with other kids, especially Elsie, I cannot tell if it is my kid or someone else's crying. But, today when Jack woke up from his surgery and started crying I knew that it was him from the other room. The nurse came back to say only one of us could go into recovery. Travis and I looked at each other to decide who should go in to see him. Travis must have seen in my eyes that all I wanted to do at that moment was hold my baby so he told me to go ahead. I think Travis was really happy with his decision when I told him that Jack had wet the bed while he was out and I had to lay in it! It felt really good to hear the nurses say that he was asking for me! What's better than a brave boy who loves his mama?

As Jack was coming out of his happy land I made all sorts of promises about watching cartoons. When we got home I discovered that our cable is out. The unfortunate thing is that I can't call about it since we haven't been billed for the last 2.5 years. Did they discover their mistake or is the cable just temporarily out? Only time will tell! We have been spending the afternoon watching movies, cuddling on the couch and listening to the rain tap on the windows. I hate that Jack isn't feeling well, but I love relaxing days like this every now and again!

1 comment:

Practically Dutch said...

Hey, i have just began reading through your archives but after reading your 'i am extraudanary because i am ordinary' post (i know extr.. is spelt completely wrong!) i thought i had to comment. I have been with my guy for almost a year and a half and we are going through a pretty hard time right now, however, i think we can get through it but still there is doubt.. why am i telling you this? no idea. But you said about you and your husband getting through a lot and coming out better for it. It inspired me to keep trying!