Monday, July 23, 2007


You may have noticed that I didn't post yesterday...but, you probably didn't. Jack played webkinz at a friend's house last week and decided that he needed one. I told him he could get one if he wanted to spend his own money on it. I was kind of expecting him to be like I was when I was a kid and say he didn't really want one if he had to spend his own money. But, I discovered he is more like my sister was. He was more than willing to spend his own money. We counted up his $26 in quarters and we were off to Hallmark. The large webkinz cost $14. He stood over them deciding which one he wanted, while several other families did the same. He then announced that he wanted two, which gave me the perfect opportunity to have a little money lesson with him.

Me: Two webkinz at $14 each equals $28, you only have $26, you are $2 short
Jack: But, I want the frog and the monkey
Me: Sorry, you don't have enough money; you will have to pick one.
Nosey Woman: The small ones are only $10
Jack: How much does one big and one small cost?
Me: $24
Jack: Do I have enough?
Me: Yes, but you won't have any money left
Jack: That's okay; I want the tree frog and the monkey

So, we left the store with two webkinz, a nickel and a giant smile on Jack's face. You register the webkinz online and use money to buy food and furniture, etc. You earn money by playing arcade games. Needless to say I can earn money faster than Jack, so he enlisted my help. I cannot stop playing this game that is just like the online game Bejeweled. I am like a recovering addict who has gotten another taste after 4 years sobriety. You see when I was working I played Bejeweled about 5 hours a day. Last night after Jack went to bed (my normal blogging time) I was still playing this silly game...all in the name of helping Jack earn more money!

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