Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bah Humbug!

About the time Travis and I got married (10 years ago) some of his female cousins decided to start a secret Santa gift exchange. We all draw a name then purchase a gift for about $30. The exchange is made up of Travis' 4 cousins, their spouses and his sister and brother-in-law. When everyone started having kids they threw them in the mix too with a $15 gift. So, so do the math 2 $30 gifts and 3 $20 gifts for a total of $120. I love giving gifts to people I actually know, but I can count on one hand how many times I have actually met these people. So, the joy of giving is out since I don't know what to get them, nor do I know if they like it because I rarely receive a thank you note. I would much prefer to spend an extra $120 on my kids. But, that isn't the worst part, more times than not someone in our family is shorted. That's right, someone doesn't get a gift. That means there is someone in Travis' family that receives a gift but doesn't give one. From the first time this happened I have asked Travis to politely opt out of the gift exchange for the following year. But, he doesn't because he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. It really gets my goat when it is one of my kids that gets screwed. I don't know why because my kids certainly don't need any more toys. This year Travis drew the short straw. At which point do we assume the gift isn't coming? We know who didn't have his name because we received gifts from two of his cousins so that narrows it down, but doesn't pin point it. Do we ask the keeper of 'the list' who had Travis' name? But if we ask, then what? Do we confront the Grinch? What would you do?


suchsimplepleasures said...

i would, for sure, make a comment to the list maker. it's not fair that someone gets shorted! especially when it's a kid. the adults, although annoyed, can handle not getting a gift but, the kids...don't get it! say something...tactfully. but...if no one else is going to...you do it!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm a grinch, because I think that you should just bow out of the whole thing. Seriously, sometimes gift giving goes a little too far. Do you really need to exchange gifts with cousins (and their offspring)who you hardly know? Impersonal gifts annoy me! I guess the thought is nice, but it seems that it is a waste of time and money.

SWC said...

Hah...yeah, as much as I would want to opt out too, my husband would totally never even dream of making waves and saying he doesn't want to be in it. I think you'd be better off just dealing with it. In my experience, I always end up getting worked up about stuff and then losing out anyway in the end. I would, however, definitely make it known that not bringing a gift for one of the kids is so NOT cool!!! It's one thing to short an adult but quite another to short a little kid. That's terrible.

Unknown said...

And you aren't even doing it in person? I guess I don't see the fun it that. Plus, if someone already isn't giving gifts, they are getting tired of doing it too. Probably no one wants to be the first one to say they want to break the tradition. You aren't being grinchy-just realistic.