Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Secrets Don't Make Friends...Or Do They?

I pick up Jack's buddy Elsie at school today, so her mom could get her hair done. It was so cute to listen to them talk in the back seat. They whispered as though I wouldn't be able to hear them.

Jack: Let's watch cartoons when we get home.
Elsie: Let's watch (inaudible)!
Jack: Okay.
Elsie: My mom doesn't like that show, does yours?
Jack: My mom hasn't seen it, but she doesn't care what we watch.

I've got news for them, if Elsie's mom doesn't like it nor do I and yes; I do care what you watch! I only hope they continue to be so naive...not only do mom's have eyes in the back of their head, they also have super sonic ears!


suchsimplepleasures said...

i like to pretend that i can hardly hear, most of the time because then it REALLY freaks them out when they are whispering and plotting, and i can hear EVERYTHING!! love it!

Mamarazzi said...

yea playing it cool and deaf is a good idea. THIS is how you get in on the good stuff. and trust me it still works when they are preteens.