Sunday, January 13, 2008

T.V. Junkie

Jack is a TV junkie, an addict, when he is in the zone you cannot get his attention for anything. Travis and I have decided that we aren't able to change his love for TV, but we are able to limit the amount of TV he watches so he may possibly find other things he loves to do. The new rule is 30 minutes per day during the week and one hour on Saturday and Sunday. He may watch his allotted time whenever he wants, but once his time is spent, there is no more TV for the rest of the day. Today I set a timer to make sure I would remember to pry him from the TV because I was busy cutting fabric for the birthday capes. I can be kind of like Jack, when I get in the zone with a project I can loose all track of time. Jack knew he was in the final 30 minutes of his hour when I heard him calling me from upstairs (where he watches TV).

Jack: Mom, I am going to need you to stop the timer.
Me: Are you done watching TV?
Jack: No.
Me: Then why would I stop the timer?
Jack: Because I have turned off the TV during the commercials, I don't want to use my TV time to watch commercials.

How do I deal with this? He is a smart little guy wanting to optimize his time, but I am not going to turn the timer off and on every 5 minutes. Not to mention, when he turns the TV off he is still sitting in front of the boob tube waiting for the commercials to be over. The whole reason for the limit is to ensure that he is more productive with his time; playing outside, doing table time, playing with his mounds of toys, annoying his mother, etc.


Crystal D said...

He could "earn" 10 minutes extra if he picks up toys or reads a book during commercials.

Mamarazzi said...

yea he is pretty much brilliant (thinking up turning off the timer on commercials)and for that reason alone...i seriously think he should be allowed to watch as much TV as he wants...i mean clearly his mind has not turned to mush so...

we had to limit our daughter's TV time too. we were REALLY mean and did not allow any TV during the school week last year. and only VERY limited TV on the weekends IF we were actually home.

it was hard. we felt obligated to truly entertain her, but in the end we also established games after dinner every night and worked hard to plan fun stuff on the weekends. so it was cool in the end.

we recently lifted the ban on school day TV. she averages 2-3 shows a day. and more often than not she doesn't even turn the TV on. she learned how to PLAY again, so i am glad we did it and she is doing a really good job of regulating her TV time...of course she knows we will go back to no TV on school days if she doesn't.

she is 12 btw.

Mom said...

Has he "highlighted" the TV Guide yet?

Mom said...

Has he Highlighted the TV Guide yet?

Lisa said...

Too funny. I don't know how you get around that one :) Maybe all of the commercials that he has to sit through are what earn him the hour of TV over the weekend??? Just an idea...

SWC said...

Oh my gosh, this kid is good. He sounds like a business man. Very logical, very sharp...calm in his delilvery. I love it.

suchsimplepleasures said...

awww...limit schmimit!!! just let him sit and gives you lots of time to blog, shower, run errands (he wont notice you're gone!). and, trust me when i tell you, tv...waaaaay better than video games. video games make my kids moody. all tv does is make them fight over the remote control. but...i never notice the fighting because, i'm usually out shopping ;)

Kat said...

Ha! What a smart kid! Watching tv obviously isn't hurting his intellect.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Smart kid!! I have no advice. I'm just impressed! lol

suchsimplepleasures said...

hey honey...i have a meme for's fun and easy. feel free to tell me no!