This is for you Crystal.
And the meme you all have been waiting for:
Four jobs I've had in my life
1. Lifeguard/Swimming Lesson Teacher/Swim Coach. Do you think the local pool would hire a fluffy 30 something mother of three? If so, I am so in, I loved that job! I was the only highschool kid I know working 12 hour days during summer vacation and loving every minute of it!
2. Life Insurance Sales Person. Did it suck? Yep!
3. Marketing for Machinery Trader. Machinery Trader is a trade publication for heavy equipment. Loved that too, they just didn't pay worth a shit! Well, not bad for right out of school, but raises were a dirty word there!
4. Mailing list sales. Yes, I sold mailing lists. If it makes you feel any better it was business lists, I didn't sell your phone number to the nasty telemarketer that called you during dinner last night.
Four places I've lived
1. Grand Forks, ND
2. Omaha, NE
3. Lincoln, NE
4. Texas
Four places I've been on vacation
1. Orlando, FL. We went to Disney for our honeymoon in June because we couldn't afford anything else!
2. Key West, FL. I love this place; even Travis loosens up there!
3. Puerto Rico. This was our last get away without the kids. I built it up too much, we went during the off-season and the service was horrible. But, my kids are alive today because I got the much-deserved vacation!
4. Colorado. It used to be driving distance when we lived in Nebraska. We went in the winter to ski and in the summer to get away from the humidity!
Four of my favorite foods.
1. Canned Chicken
2. Soup
3. Yogurt
4. Low Fat Granola
Can you tell I am on a diet?
Four places I'd rather be right now (is this a trick question?)
1. A warm tropical island. Yes it is cold in Texas right now!
2. In bed, under the covers, where it is warm.
3. Somewhere warm where my children aren't fighting because they can't go outside.
4. least it is warm there!
Oh wow! Look at those capes! I want to be you! They are fabulous! Why can't I sew like that? Bah!
What a fun meme!
Wow! They look WONDERFUL Kelli! Everyone will love them!!!
LOVE THEM! How smart you were to use velcro instead of ties. That is brilliant and safe. Boy those are lucky little kids coming home from your party with a real take home gift that won't end up in the garbage, better than a gift bag any day. Fun, fun, fun! That is what I would call toddler swag.
YAY thanks!!
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