Monday, January 7, 2008

Update, Update, Update

I realize I have left everyone on the edge of their seats on several issues in the last week or so. So, here are the updates!

First and foremost we got Lauren's test results back. Here chest X-rays came back clear, her sinus X-ray showed a little fluid and her blood test showed elevated white cells. The doctor thinks the reason for the elevated white cells and the fluid on the sinus X-ray is a mild sinus infection. So, hopefully the antibiotic will do the trick. I have to say that I am not completely satisfied with the diagnosis, but I am thankful that they didn't find signs of cancer! What a relief, thanks for the prayers!

I am sure you all remember the amoxicillin incident. I know this has been a burning question for many of you. After I showered and bathed the kids the smell was still there. I realized later that day the reason for the nagging smell was that I also got the nasty medicine on my pajama pants. I know, I am gross, after I got out of the shower I put my pajama pants back on because we were just going to be hanging around the house all day. The moral of the story: If you take a shower, don't put dirty clothes on afterwards even if you don't have any plans!

Lastly, the gift exchange update. I got the nerve and Travis' permission to send an email to his cousin that organizes the exchange every year.

Hey D!

I don't know if you hang on to the Christmas exchange list or not, but I am
curious if you know who had Travis' name. He didn't receive a gift this
year. This has happened to others in our family in the past and I am just
wondering if there is someone in the exchange that doesn't want to be...


Her response:

Kelli -

I did not get anything either. Let me see if I can find the list.


This went down yesterday and I haven't heard anything else from her. My question is this, why are we doing this if there are TWO out of the 10 people in the exchange that are not even playing by the 'rules'. I know Travis and I are only doing this out of obligation, how many others out of the remaining 6 feel the same way we do? Based on this information I think it is safe to say at least 40% of the family would like to see this thing die. I will keep you posted!


Cecily said...

I am really glad to hear than Lauren's test results were good!!

Crystal D said...

Great news on Lauren. I was hoping for just that news. You did the right thing with all the tests, a mother's intuition should never be ignored. Of course sometimes we are happy to have our intuition be wrong.
Too funny about the PJ pants. LOL, I am afraid that does sound like something I would do. I will have to make sure to remember your warning.

Lisa said...

So glad to hear that everything turned out alright with Miss Lauren :)

suchsimplepleasures said...

phew...about lauren! good for you, for sending that letter!!! maybe, now no one will get left out!!!
ps...when i shower, i sometimes put back on the same pjs...stench and all!!! don't tell anyone, though shhhh...our little secret ;)