Saturday, June 28, 2008

Signing Off

This is going to be my last post for a while. We are shoving off for Nebraska at 5am tomorrow. That is a goal time; we will see how it goes! My grandma would like to have us there eating dinner at 6pm. Not an easy task, but definitely doable! I have sent the kids upstairs for naps, but they are too excited about tomorrow to sleep. Jack has been putting together a mental list of "Must Dos" while we are at the lake...

1. Get buried in the sand.
2. Bury Grammy in the sand.
3. Catch a fish.
4. Hunt for toads.
5. Catch fireflies.
6. Go to the park.
7. Go swimming.
8. Eat nachos.
9. Throw candy in the 4th of July parade.
10. Ride on daddy's John Deere. (Travis restored the first tractor his grandfather bought new and it resides at the lake)
11. Take a boat ride.
12. Watch fireworks from grandpa's boat.
13. Get ice cream.
14. Make a stepping-stone.

The weather has been kind of rainy in Nebraska. We are hoping that will change so we can enjoy the lake to the fullest. If it doesn't clear up I will have to introduce Jack to one of my favorite rainy lake day activities as a kid; building bird houses. My goal is to have photographic evidence of each "Must Do". My parents are planning to sell the cabin when they move to Texas within the next two years. I am thrilled that they will be closer, but I hate that my kids won't have the great memories of the lake that I have. At least if I have the pictures so I can remind them!

1 comment:

Jaina said...

Sounds like a great to do list. I hope you got there when you wanted, and I hope you have a fabulous vacation with lots of happy memories.