Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Potty Break

Potty training is officially on hold for Ben. He has come down with the worst case of squirty bottom I have ever experienced. Yesterday he squirted out of 5 different outfits. So far today he has thrown up twice and had more liquid poo diapers than I can count. I think this is a sign to put the potty training on the backburner at least until we get back from our trip to Nebraska. I am feeling a little defeated.


Lisa said...

That stinks. Literally!

Mamarazzi said...

"squirty bottom" sorry but that made me giggle, yep i am soooo imature like that. i am going to have to remember those words...awesome!

sorry you have to put it on hold, maybe he is just stubborn enough that when you tell him he CAN'T be potty trained right now he will REALLY want to..ya never know!

Jaina said...

That's no fun, I hope he feels better soon!