Friday, June 13, 2008


She is a prissy little girl. He is all boy. She has blond hair. He has brown hair. She has blue eyes. He has brown eyes. She is petite. He is average. She loves kisses. He hates kisses. She wants to be a big girl. He is fine being a baby. She only eats vegetables. He only eats fruit. It is hard to believe that they are twins.

The latest? She likes the radio soft. He likes the radio loud. Today they both cried the whole way to the gym. Ben wanted me to turn it up. He wasn't happy unless the rearview mirror was shaking. Lauren wanted it turned down so low she couldn't hear it. I had the radio at a conservative level while they both cried and demanded they get their way. Eventually the only thing I could do was crank the radio up. Ben was happy. I could barely hear Lauren's cries. I had a headache when I got to the gym.


Jaina said...

That sounds like a bit of a headache. I hope the gym was more pleasant than the trip there.

Crystal D said...

Some battles you just can't win. :)

Mamarazzi said...

the whole opposite thing might come in handy in a few years.

sorry i haven't been around. i am so behind on my reading, seems i am always playing catch up!