Monday, June 9, 2008

What's For Dinner?

4:00pm Load the kids into the car and head to the gym.

4:30pm Gym class starts.

4:40pm Travis leaves a message on our home answering machine saying Pete is in town, but he has a work dinner so he might go out for a beer with him later.

5:30pm Gym class ends.

5:35pm Gather kids from the Kids Klub and load them up to head home.

5:40pm Travis leaves another message on our home answering machine saying that he is blowing off the work dinner and Pete is coming to our house for dinner at 6:30.

6:09pm I arrive home and listen to the answering machine to learn I am having dinner guests in 21 minutes.

I had 3 chicken breasts thawing for dinner...not enough to feed 6 people. Trav had to stop at the store for more food on his way home. The kids and I had a busy day so the house was a mess. I was drenched in sweat.

I barked orders at the kids to pick up toys, did a quick sweep of the kitchen and jumped in the shower. I don't think I will ever say this again, but thank goodness for rush hour traffic in Dallas! Pete was a little late so I managed to get the house presentable, shower, dry my hair and make an appetizer before he arrived. Just call me June Cleaver!


SHW said...

You go girl! Hope everything went well!

Lisa said...

You're way better than me. We would have had pizza delivered, and I wouldn't have even gone to work out!

Jaina said...

You are a rock star!

Mamarazzi said...

oh i have SOOOO been there!

congrats on getting it all together though.

You. Are. My. Hero.