Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Shitty Start To The Day...

Ben running down the stairs exclaiming the good news awakened me. "The airplanes are still on my Pull-Ups!" (For those of you that aren't familiar with Pull-Ups, if the design is still on the front it means they stayed dry) I jumped out of bed faster than if he would have yelled, "fire!” I met him in the bathroom and quickly pulled of the Pull-Up without giving it a second thought. I pulled it off so quickly it turned inside out and a giant turd plopped onto the floor. Before I could stop Ben from moving he stepped squarely on the poop. What didn't stick to his foot was smashed into the grout line. When Ben realized what had happened he curled his chubby little toes and cried in disgust. I couldn't blame him I was pretty grossed out myself! I normally pride myself on my sense of smell, but apparently I don't pop out of bed with all of my senses firing. Lauren on the other hand does. About the time I got the bulk of the shit cleaned up Lauren walked into the bathroom declaring, "I smell somsing!” Yeah, thanks a lot Lauren, where were you five minutes ago. I won't let this stop me. Ben was able to squeeze about 6 drops into the potty last night! I am trying not to think about all of the accidents I had to clean up. I have hope.


Crystal D said...

Oh but he made it through the night dry and he was PROUD! That is a huge step, so there was a little poo. If there wasn't an incident that wouldn't have been a big deal. He really sounds like he has decided to be on board with the potty. You have his number now, he just wants to be proud of himself.

Lisa said...

You just had me laughing out loud! YEAH BEN for staying dry! I'm doing the happy dance for him (and you!)
PS - When do you get to NE??? We get in on the evening of the 3rd.

Jaina said...

He's making progress, it'll be over soon. Just keep hanging in there.

Mamarazzi said...

"i smell somsing" HILARIOUS!

sorry the day started a little bit poopy!

i have faith steps, just not into giant turds, first thing in the morning!!