Thursday, March 27, 2008

Summer School Survey

So I got word today from our local school district that Ben and Lauren can go to summer school as long as they are potty trained. The only problem, they aren't potty trained yet. But, summer school is three months away. Surely, I will have them trained by then, right? I really think they would enjoy it and all three kids would go from 9am to 2pm...Can you say mini-vacation for mommy? I am struggling with whether I should sign them up or not...


Mamarazzi said...

go for it. i think using the summer school for "big kids" is a worthy goal for them. AND it might be all you need to get them on board.


oh and goodluck with that!

Crystal D said...

If you need to get serious about the potty training, just put them in underwear. Yes, it will be many messes for you to clean up while they learn, but it is effective. I haven't done it yet with my soon to be 3 year old, but as soon as the weather warms up a little she is only getting pull-ups at night. She knows pull-ups are just diapers and she uses them as such.
Big kid underwear and Big kid school, oh yeah I think I hear potty training success.

Anonymous said...

OK, I see that someone has voted for the pull ups option. Is that even a viable option? Do they let you send them in pull ups? I would assume that this is a no-no, as they are simply diapers without the tabs, right?

btw, my vote was for sign 'em up and pull 'em out if they aren't potty trained. You know what would be interesting (and probably the best motivation) is if one twin gets to go and the other is left behind due to lack of potty training. I bet you'd see results with a quickness!

Unknown said...

I didn't vote, but I do have a recommendation: Potty Training in Less Than a Day (book). It really works. Really! Even at night!