Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ralphing Roulette

Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows! The stomach bug has bit our little Lauren yet again. First it was Lauren, then it was Jack, I would have guessed Benny to be next but it seems that he got his mommy's stomach of steel. His twin sister on the other hand has taken after her namesake, Aunt Nicole, who is still a barfer to this day! Lauren really hasn't stopped complaining about her stomach since her last bout. She is a bit of a drama queen so I assumed she was fine when the puking subsided. When she was complaining of her stomach at dinner I should have believed her. But, instead I made her take two more bites of her cheeseburger. She seemed fine before bed, but when I went up to check on her when she started crying around 10pm I was greeted by a much too familiar smell. Why do kids always throw up in their beds? I believe that to be one of life's unanswered questions! Speaking of unanswered questions...Why me?

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