Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stupid Girl

I walked into the uniform store to pick up the baseball team's uniforms. I was suddenly in a different world. Normally at 3pm on a weekday you see mostly women in a retail store, but not at the uniform store. I wasn't only a minority; I was the ONLY woman in the place. I walked up to the counter and asked the manager for the Devil Rays uniforms. That got every guy in the place's attention; "It's just the 'Rays'" they said in unison. Okay, I knew that, but that is not what our roster says. So, I got the shirts and hats and started to look at pants. One guy offered that I should get gray pants because it would look better with the green shirt. That may be, but you can bleach white pants and we are talking 5 and 6 year olds! But, since this guy was such a baseball fashion expert I asked about what color belt and socks we should get. He said, "Green of course, you always match your shirt and hat". But, my hat was blue. When I told my fashion consultant of the discrepancy he told me that probably wasn't right. I looked closer at my hat and declared to the store full of men that already thought I was a stupid girl "I must have the wrong hats, our shirts are green, the hats are blue, we are the RAYS and the hat says 'TB'...that doesn't make sense." Again, in unison I was corrected, "TB stands for Tampa Bay, you're fine". "Okay, I need to go now."


Anonymous said...

Well, look at it this way. You gave them a story to go home and tell their wives and friends. Oh, wait...guys don't actually share things like that. Never mind.

Mamarazzi said...

well atleast you had something to blog about!

boys are dumb!

Lisa said...

Please post a picture of Jack & Travis in the matching uniforms. Or just send one to me. Josh would get a huge kick out of that :)

suchsimplepleasures said...

boys are just plain real bright!!