Monday, March 24, 2008

Bi-Polar Benny

Can babies be bi-polar? I love this kid with all my heart, but that doesn't help me to understand him. One minute he is skipping through the house chanting "happy, happy, happy". In attempts to get a piece of the happiness I asked "Are you happy?” His response? "NO!" One minute I know he loves me with all of his heart as he is running toward me with open arms. The next minute he is ignoring me, he won't even look me when I talk to him. He is the best kid if things are going his way. He is so charming, lovable and cuddly. If things aren't going his way he is prickly, stubborn and demanding. I feel for him. When his behavior gets out of control I put him on the steps for a time out. He will sit there and kick, cry and scream. Eventually he will get a hold of himself and calmly come to me to say, "I am done crying now." I know he doesn't like to act that way. Does he need a baby shrink or time to grow out of the terrible twos?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder often if my 8 year old could have something mental going on up there. Why else woudl someone yell they aren't tired when so obviously, they are?

PS, I didn't see an email; but I broke my tail bone while backing up to take some photos during Halloween, fell and landed plumb on a toy truck! I knew RIGHT AWAY what I had done, I felt it and all!!! The worst ever.