Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's All A Facade

At what point do you admit to people that you really aren't as great as they think you are?

I was at a birthday party this weekend with a neighbor who mentioned that she liked my purse. I smiled and said thank you not even thinking that she must think my Chinese Gucci is the real deal. It didn't cross my mind that she thought I was for real until she picked up her Coach purse to leave. Great, now she thinks that I am big time...quite the opposite actually.

I wore 'the shirt' to Pilates today. Who knew that it would end up being all men and myself today. The guys did their best to make eye contact until one of them couldn't take it anymore and mentioned my shirt. The rest of the morning conversation revolved around how "blessed" I was in the breast department. Did I admit that I wasn't "naturally blessed"? Nope. I figure I am blessed. Blessed that my husband makes enough money to buy me what God wasn't kind enough to give me!

We had a play date at our house this morning. The moms couldn't get over how clean my house was. Did I admit to sweating up a storm yesterday just trying to get the toys picked up enough that the cleaning ladies could do the deep cleaning? Hell no. I took credit where credit wasn't due.

Am I a liar or do I simply not tell the whole truth? I can tell you one thing, I am certainly not as I appear!

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

liar liar pants on fire...but i am just jealous soooo.


actually i think we all do that, i know i do! puhlease are they writing a book about me? am i running for president? nobody needs to know EVERYTHING about me.