Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Need To Spice It Up!

Go to Ultrasound technician schools

I found this cool site that rates the content of your blog based on movie criteria. The reason I am rated PG-13 is that I say "pissed" and I have a bloggy friend that uses the word "sexy" in her know who you are! So in attempts to spice up my rating...


I can't think of any others...maybe I really am just PG-13?


SHW said...

I do what I can! ;-)

I am afraid to see what my rating is.

SHW said...

Haha! My blog is rated R for using the word "sexy" 19 times and the word "hurt" 6 times (which I don't even remember using once).

So just make your next post full of sexy hurt and you will be adult content!

suchsimplepleasures said...

ooo, i'm going to change my name to have lots of profanity...maybe you'll get a xxx rating!!!

suchsimplepleasures said...

i just checked mine...nc17...omg! because i said bit.h, di.k, torture and pain...can you believe it!!! i'm almost a porno site!!! i'm so excited!!!

Mamarazzi said...

SOOOO funny!! i am skeeeerd to see what my rating is. i love living in denial.

Mamarazzi said...

ok i went and did it...guess what?!? mine was rated G...holy cow! and it said i used the word HELL 1x.

i know i have said more than that and i REALLY know what my commenters have said, they are a whole bunch of potty mouths, which is one of the many reasons i love them...

hmmmmm...well i am gonna go blog about this

SWC said...

Oh my! Mine is NC-17 based on these words:


Ok, I know I used some stronger words than I must be rated X!

suchsimplepleasures said...

thanks for offering to kick some butt...over at the in-laws...i'm sending the address...let me know when you're on your way...this, i've GOT to see!