Friday, January 18, 2008

Eye For An Eye

Walking into the game room where the children were suppose to be playing with their toys, but instead the TV is on...

Me: (turning off the TV with the best look of disappointment I could muster on my face) Jack, what do you think your punishment should be?

Jack: (thinking for quite awhile) I think we should cut my hands off so I can never turn the TV on again.

Me: Well, I think that is a little severe. Do you think it would be fair to not have any TV this weekend?

Jack: No, that isn't fair!

Me: What do you think is fair?

Jack: How about I sit on the stairs?

Me: No, I don't think that punishment fits the crime.

Jack: Okay, I guess your idea is the best.


Mamarazzi said...

man your kids come up with some goooood stuff! brilliant i tell ya!

Nissa said...

That's great! Such wonderful surprises we get from our kids' mouths. You've got to like the fact that he's learning to negotiate! lol

Crystal D said...

He already knew he didn't want the punishment that was coming, how crafty of him to try to come up with others. I mean, cut his hands off, what a trip.

SHW said...

When I would ask my kids what their punishment should be for their offensive my oldest would always come up with something way too harsh. I think it was a ploy to get me to think she already saw the error of her ways and then I would go easier on her..yes, it usually worked!

Anonymous said...

I think maybe he was playing the "joker" card...maybe if he can get you laughing hard enough, you'll forget to punish him??