Friday, September 21, 2007

Husband In Training

Lauren: Look Benny, doggy!
Ben: Uh huh.
Lauren: Car!
Ben: Uh huh.
Lauren: Birdie!
Ben: Uh huh.
Lauren: Look, airplane!
Ben: (says nothing)
Lauren: Benny! See airplane?
Ben: Uh huh.
Lauren: LOOK!
Ben: I DID!

I know just how Lauren feels; this reminds me of conversations that I have with Travis while he is watching TV.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm new to blogging and found yours while surfing through. I can totally relate to the husband ignoring stuff. Why is that? It's like certain trigger words turn their brain off (can you do..., shopping)and then other words turn it back on (football, baseball, basketball...).