Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hungry Jack Part Two

When I picked up Jack from school he told me he was starving. I asked if he ate all of his lunch and he informed me that his teacher wouldn't let him. As soon as we got to the car I checked his backpack for a note about lunch. All I found was his unopened BAKED Cheetos and his fruit roll up. I asked Jack why he wasn't allowed to eat it. He insisted that he told his teachers that his fruit roll up was his dessert. I couldn't get to the bottom of why he wasn't allowed to eat all of his lunch. Was it because it wasn't healthy food? I had to sign a form that said I was responsible for the nutritional content of my kid’s lunch, but it didn’t say anything about not allowing “junk food”. Was it because they were messy items? Did he get in trouble during lunch? Did he run out of time to eat? I just don't know. But, I will! Those teachers are going to think I am crazy! I am going to have to go in and ask about the Cheetos and fruit roll up. I don't mind if they don't let him have it. But, if it is a behavior issue I need to deal with it at home too. Or, if it is a health or mess issue I need to know that too so that I don't make the same mistake again. Am I being "that mom" again?

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