Friday, September 7, 2007


Did you see the story on the assistant principal who left her 2-year-old daughter in the hot car for 8 hours? The woman left for the morning, but it was too early to drop the little girl off at daycare so she stopped to buy donuts. Instead of dropping her daughter off at daycare the mother then went on to work and forgot about her daughter because of the change in her routine. Obviously the poor little girl died. The DA is not pressing charges saying that the mother is already punishing herself enough. I am not sure how I feel about this. Travis' best friend in high school's brother killed his prom date in a drunk driving accident and had to go to jail. You can't tell me that he wanted that to happen or that he didn't punish himself, but he still went to jail for his neglect. I am not the one who needs to judge on this one, the mother will be meeting her maker someday and will answer to him. I believe God will forgive her if she asks. The biggest problem I have with the story on Good Morning America were the tips on how to remember your kids are in the backseat. If you are going to change your routine leave your purse in the backseat so that will trigger your memory. I am sorry, if someone is going to forget their kid, do you really think they will remember their purse? I can say I have forgotten my purse more times than I can count! My mom can tell you that she used to get calls from me all the time because I had forgotten my gym clothes or my lunch. But, knock on wood; I have never forgotten my children!

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