Thursday, September 27, 2007


I had to go to the OB/GYN this morning. In the crowded waiting room Lauren pulled off her shoes and announced "Mom, I need a pedicure!” She is right; I painted her toenails several weeks ago and told her how special she was because mommy was giving her a 'pedicure'. Now, all she has left are two little chips of polish on her big toes.

After the doctor we ran to the western store to buy a pair of boots for a friend's new baby. This is our new baby gift of choice to anyone who is living outside the state of Texas! Lauren spotted a very cute pink cowboy hat. She immediately begged to try it on. I gave in and let her wear it through the store while I picked out boots. When it came time to check out I took the $19.99 hat off her head and put it back. She stopped dead in her tracks, laid on the ground, pounded her hands and kicked her feet as she yelled, "want it, pink cowgirl hat, want it!” All of the old cowgirl ladies looked at me as though I was the worst mother in the world for not purchasing the pink cowgirl hat for my little girl. Oh well, maybe Santa or Grammy will bring it for Christmas!

1 comment: said...

LoL my kids are the worst at tantrums. Good for you for not giving in !