Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hungry Jack

Jack: I got hungry at school yesterday.
Me: Did you eat all of your lunch?
Jack: Yes, but you didn't pack me enough.
Me: Well what do you want in your lunch box?
Jack: The other kids had lots of food.
Me: What did they have?
Jack: Peanut butter and jelly.
Me: You don't like peanut butter and jelly.
Jack: I know.
Me: So what should I pack for you?
Jack: Chef Boyardee and a hot dog.
Me: Sweetie you need to heat those things up, I can't pack that in your lunch.
Jack: (exasperated) We will just work on packing my lunch together tomorrow and I will show you what I need.

I have already packed the lunch because I know Jack won't be up in time to mess with it. Today I packed: cheese, meat and crackers, string cheese, baked Cheetos, grapes, applesauce, fruit rollup, drinkable yogurt and a Capri sun. If that doesn't fill the kid up, I don't know what will!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Can you imagine what your grocery bill will be like when they're all teenagers? Man alive, that boy can eat!