Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where's The Toaster?

Sadly, my husband's grandparents are failing. His grandfather is 98 (I think) and in remarkable shape for his age. His grandmother is in her mid 90s and failing fast. His grandfather has gotten to the point where it is too much to care for his failing wife so they are preparing to move into a home. My kids have received sporadic shipments of things they are getting rid of. Jack has gotten a few books and today Ben and Lauren got some stuffed animals. We all know what old people's basements smell like, right? Well, take a guess what the stuffed animals smelled like! They were shipped in an old toaster box. Ben and Lauren could hardly wait to rip into the box.

Ben: What smells?
Lauren: This monkey is stinky!
Jack: Yuck, I am glad I got books instead!
Ben: I don't want this monkey!
Lauren: Me neither, where is the toaster?

The stuffed animals are currently taking a spin in the dryer with several dryer sheets. If that doesn't help they will be taking a field trip to the local dump.


Jaina said...

I'm sorry to hear about their health. I will keep them in my prayers. I hope the stuffed animals emerge from the dryer nice and fresh.

Mamarazzi said...

so sad to watch our grandparents get older...

love the conversation the kids had...hilarious!