Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I have had a particularly crappy time with my MS lately. I am not having a flare, but I am finally getting into the neuro-urologist and my neurologist and let's just say the news was not great. I spent a good portion of last night and this morning throwing a little pity party for myself. On my hour long drive back to the doctor this morning the kids and I witnessed a horrible accident on the freeway. I was traveling south and the accident was on the northbound side. Someone changed lanes and clipped the corner of a man in an SUV who lost control, flipped his car and hit the center guardrail right in front of us. The motorcyclist in front of us and I stopped and tried to get the man out of the car. We couldn't pry the doors open. The EMTs arrived almost immediately. Three of the men were able to bend the door open. The man crawled out stunned and covered in blood. The EMTs put him in a neck brace and cut his clothes off to assess his injuries. My knees shook and my stomach was weak as I watched. I was nearly in tears when I returned to my car to answer my children's questions.

Jack: Is that man going to be okay?
Me: He had a bad accident and is really hurt, but he is going to be okay.
Lauren: Does he have any kids?
Me: I don't know, it looked like he was on the way to work, he could be a daddy.
Ben: What will happen to his kids?
Me: His kids will be okay the man will get better.

All the while I was hoping that I was telling the truth. It really shook me up too. It really puts things into perspective. It could be a lot worse. I need to take some time to look at the good things in my life. I may post the details of my appointment at a later date...and I may not. I am choosing not to think about it right now.


Jaina said...

How scary! Good for you for trying to help though.
My uncle has MS, not too bad, mostly diet and exercise have kept it under control. But he does have flare ups occasionally. I hope that you are doing okay. I will keep you in my prayers.

Lisa said...

Oh Kelli - I hear you! I can't imagine how horrible it would have been to see that accident though - my gosh! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well & am anxious to hear what the doctors had to say. I find that I'm giving myself constant reminders of how much worse life could be. And it's true....but it's alright to just have a little time to think, "This SUCKS!" You've always been such a good support for me. Know I'm just a phone call away if you want/need to chat!!!

Mamarazzi said...

so scary!!

sometimes a pity party is needed...they never last long. have yours.