Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Un Poquito

Ben and Lauren are taking a Spanish class twice a week. The teacher is a former elementary school teacher who comes to your home to read familiar books and sing songs in Spanish. We are doing the class with 3 other 3-year-olds from Ben and Lauren's playgroup, one of which is fluent in Spanish. The last class we read The Hungry Little Caterpillar, I was really shocked at how well Ben and Lauren did at repeating the words and how much they have retained!

Today I took Ben and Lauren to our rental property to do some more painting. We hired a guy to paint the outside because it is so damn hot! Martin (pronounced Mar-teen) has done work for us in the past and is always very nice to the kids. Today his wife Josefa came with him. Ben and Lauren were very excited to tell Martin and Josefa about their "Spanish preschool". They were trying out "me llamo...", "hola", "adios" and "uno, dos, tres". I was pretty proud of my future bilingual children when Martin busted out his full Spanish. Ben and Lauren just stood there with their jaws on the floor. I guess I need to teach them how to say "un poquito".

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