Monday, August 11, 2008

Acampar Espanol

At the beginning of the summer I signed Jack up for Spanish immersion camp. It is a week of fun and games in Spanish. Jack doesn't know Spanish, but I thought it would be a great experience for him. I signed him up with a friend who doesn't speak Spanish either. The family that teaches the classes had a death in the family the week he was signed up for so his session was cancelled. We weren't able to coordinate with his friend for a different week so he had to go solo. Today was the first day of camp. We walked in and the two teachers greeted us with an "Hola!” There were three other children already there, all of which were Hispanic and speaking Spanish fluently. Jack quietly looked at me and said, "I don't know about this mom". I was thinking, "I don't know about it either buddy", but instead I said, "It will be fun buddy, just go over there and tell them your name!” I walked out of there feeling so uneasy. I hate being in situations like that and hated even more that I just put my first born into it. I thought about him over and over through out the day. Each time I thought about his little face telling me that he wasn't sure about it I teared up and my stomach tied in knots. I went to pick him up early so I could scope out the whole class. The class was made up of three Hispanic kids, Jack and one other 'Gringo'. Much to my relief, he loved it! He has been showing off his new Spanish ever since. I am so proud of him; he is such an adaptable kid. He is so ready for Kindergarten!


Cecily said...

I wish I had gotten to go to something that cool as a kid! How awesome is that?! I feel proud of Jack too... :)

Mamarazzi said...

oh this sounds wonderful! and how great to have a little affirmation that he is ready for Kindergarten!

woo hoo!!

Viva Jack!

Lisa said...

Go Jack! What a fabulous idea!!! Josh speaks fluently and I so wish that we did a better job with him teaching the girls...
When is Jack's first day of school? Several of my girlfriend's kiddos started yesterday - so stinking early!

Crystal D said...

That is just wonderful! Ugh that heart pull you must have felt. I just hate imagining my kids not feeling like they fit in or are miserable, but then the delight that comes when I know they have worked it all out themselves is just amazing.
I hope he really enjoys himself all week.

Jaina said...

what a neat thing for him. They do say that the earlier you start languages the better. I'm glad he enjoyed it.