Thursday, August 28, 2008

Make New Friends, But Keep The Old

I have been looking forward to Jack starting Kindergarten in hopes of meeting some new friends myself. We have been walking to and from school with one of our neighbors and playing outside with them after school. I really like the mom and she also has a three-year-old little girl that Lauren has really hit it off with. I can't believe it has taken us this long to get together with them. We have even secured an invitation for dinner and swimming at their pool this weekend.

Yesterday we were standing outside my front door chatting. We had a UPS package on our porch. Lauren picked it up and started tearing into it. She got used to all of the packages being she and Ben's for their birthday. I looked at the package and told her that it was addressed to me so she didn't need to open it. I turned and continued to chat with my new friend. When I looked back she was still trying to get into the package. I told her that there were just some vitamins in the package for mommy, go play. The next thing I knew she was waving a catheter over her head, "What's this?"

I didn't address it with my new friend. I just grabbed it away from Lauren and stuffed it back in the box. I continued to chat hoping that she didn't see it or didn't know what it was. My new friend didn't go running for the hills, I think she might be a keeper!

1 comment:

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Ha! She sounds like a keeper. I think it gets tougher to make new friends the older and busier we get with kiddos!