Saturday, August 16, 2008


Over heard at the pool last week...

Elsie: Do you like my new shoes? They are Bratz.
Jack: No.
Elsie: Why not?
Jack: Bratz are not asseptable at my house.
Elsie: Why not?
Jack: They just aren't!


Mamarazzi said...

Bratz are not "asseptable" at my house either. if anyone asks me why now i know the correct answer: "they just aren't". it will save me time...i think they are ugly and toooo sexy.

Jaina said...

I agree with Mamarazzi. I hate that line. What happened to good ol' Barbie? Seriously, they wonder why little girls look like teenage hookers at such early ages...they should take a look at the toys they're given to play with! (not that I feel strongly about it at all or anything)