Friday, August 22, 2008


Ben: Baby Drew calls me Bubby.
Me: Yeah, isn't that funny?
Ben: NO! I'm Benny!
Me: Yes you are!
Ben: Why does he call me that?
Me: Baby Drew can't say Benny very well.
Ben: Why not?
Me: Because he is still a little guy. (14 months younger)
Ben: Oh.

Baby Drew just loves his big cousin; it is just too bad that Benny doesn't share the same love. The animosity started when I babysat for Drew when he was a baby and he took some of Ben's attention away. Ben likes to be the baby and wasn't happy having someone step in and steal his role. Now, he is just annoyed with Drew. Drew is so enamored with his cousin he is always in Ben's face.


Anonymous said...

Well...I didn't even know this blog was out there until yesterday. I will now be watching faithfully. I do so love your Mom and Dad.

Mamarazzi said... sweet!!