Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Speeding Ticket Theory

I have a new theory to potty train Ben and it goes like this. I compare Ben to a speeding vehicle. Always in a hurry, always on the go, always busy, unless of course you need him to hurry for you. Doesn't it seem like when you get pulled over for speeding the officer takes his sweet time pulling up your plates, reviewing your insurance and writing you a ticket. By the time the cop is done with you, you have lost any time that you may have gained by speeding. This is my new theory on changing diapers. I take my time. I waste his time. If getting your diaper changed is a hassle maybe he will start going in the potty...


Jaina said...

That makes sense.

Anonymous said...

pretty much the case, and then when they are toilet trained and don't need your assistance you kinda miss the time they needed you, just a tint bit.

Mamarazzi said...

OH i like the way you think...excellent theory!!